Saturday, April 26, 2008

Stubborn Strand of String

As in the Star Wars Trilogy I am going to take poetic license. (Doesn’t that sound impressive?) Since some of you are just dying to see Daddy’s bungee jump while trying to collect nesting material, below is the episode caught on film/digitally, whatever. Daddy was so kind to re-enact the whole thing again… NOT! (or should it be knot?)…
Here he is grabbing hold of the string to build his nest and pulling on the stubborn strand.

He tugs a little more…

And a little more….

And a little more…

He knows it is going to give, so just a little stronger tug will do the trick…
Well, maybe if I fly away with it in my mouth. Yeah, that will do it…


That didn’t work…

And now I have a wing ach…

Let me just drop down as I fly away…

Yeah, my weight and flying away will do it… it just has to…


And so he goes off to strategize…

How about…This huge, humungous, supercalafragilisticexpealadoceous TUG…..

Did he get it?

What do you think?

T H U D!


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