The sunrise was nice to see after so much rain.
I looked out the kitchen window and saw momma and daddy sparrow standing atop their happy abode.
Daddy sparrow seemed to be a serious conversation with momma… It was still dark and their home was in the shadows. What could the conversation be all about?
It turned out they had just fought off the attack of a starling. Fortunately, the entrance into their home is too small for the starling to pass through.
The eggs were safe. However, momma and daddy’s feathers were a bit ruffled. Both were standing guard over their nest to prevent another attempt by the starling.
As the sun warmed the abode momma and daddy looked at one another happy they now had the light of day to see their attacker in ample time if another attack were to happen.
In the meantime Daddy...
decided to pick up where they left off yesterday and began to bring more nesting material. Momma had a little to say about that… but let daddy in with his precious find… All was going well until something blocked the sun…

Under attack… AGAIN… Stay tuned for the continuing saga…
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