Sunday, April 27, 2008

A Palatable Pixel...

Periodically, a "Pixel Palate" will be posted as a little morsal for you to "chew on" and think about. Here is the first of many:

When you go on a vacation, you have spent much time preplanning and preparing. There has been research for the lowest priced airfare, hotels, places to see, events taking place and whatever else. You don't want to go fishing quite a distance from home, decide to stay overnight and discover there is "no room in the inn." That happened to my husband and I years ago when we lived in California. We decided to go fishing at an "interesting looking" lake on a map. We went fished and decided to stay overnight. When we started to search for a room, none were to be found... the innkeepers kept mumbling something about the Calaveras County Leaping Frog Contest (Mark Twain's short story on this event was one of his first writings to be published). To make a long story short, we ended upstairs above the bar in a room at the Black Bart Inn. We propped a chair against the door because there wasn't a lock. That was good because during the night someone tried to get in. Oh, and did I tell you, the sheets on the bed hadn't been changed?

Well back to the morsal... You are taking your camera and know what you want to take pictures of, right? If you are looking for the postcard view... buy the postcard! Yeh, we all want to top the postcard view... but... spend more film or memory card space capturing pictures of family, friends or other views that aren't on postcards. Don't try to duplicate what a postcard already has. You will spend valuable time on that mission and miss other great "memory" shots.

One more thing... you're on vacation... remember to remove the one-eyed silver box from in front of your face from time to time to see the "real time" views!

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